Landscapes of Latin America

Landscapes of Latin America is a proposal born recognizing the awareness of musical fusion that Belmary Lorcas and colleagues possess in the various musical fields such as Venezuelan traditional, Academic, and Latin American music. All professional performers, educators, and artists reside in the Delaware Valley area and their surroundings.

Latin American music is a combination of various styles that arrived in The Americas and became influential, from the early Spanish and European Baroque to the contrasting beats of the African rhythms.

One of the main characteristics of Latin American music is its diversity, from the lively rhythms and wonderful lyrical melodies. Spain, Latin American, and Caribbean countries have a long and rich musical history of captivating sounds and characters, whether for artistic expression or religious purposes.

For Landscapes of Latin America, we highlight highly developed rhythmic patterns while performing and engaging the audience to participate during the program. We perform selections that range from solo instruments to a sextet ensemble, which will feature some styles, concepts, instrumentation, and structures. Select works will alternate between voices and 4 (four) dancers. We incorporate works by Lecuona, Piazzolla, Fuentes and Villa-Lobos among others.